3 Misconceptions About the Safety of hCG, Debunked

If you take a second to Google search hCG, you’ll be presented with close to 50 million results. Trust that the first few pages will be filled with information about hCG, the hCG Diet and a good portion of articles about why it’s bad for you. It’s true that when used incorrectly, there is a chance of negative side effects from hCG. However, keeping in mind hCG is a hormone that’s created naturally by the body, one has to wonder if all the nay-sayers out there really understand what they’re talking about.

Currently, there are plenty of misconceptions about hCG, however there are few that seem to pop up time and again. To help clear the confusion, here are the answers to 3 of the most common misconceptions about hCG.

Misconception #1: It’s Dangerous to Exercise While Taking hCG

This common misconception stems from the basic elements of the original hCG Diet which discouraged physical activity. There are a couple of reasons that exercise is sometimes discouraged on the hCG Diet. The first being that strenuous physical activity while undergoing a significant calorie restriction can possibly trick the body into starvations mode, which is the opposite effect of what hCG is supposed to do.

Secondly, exercising too much while consuming only 500 calories a day can be dangerous for some people, simply because they may feel light headed or queasy without caloric energy to fuel their workout. However, none of this points to avoiding physical activity while using hCG but instead avoiding strenuous exercise when your caloric intake is significantly reduced compared to what you’re accustomed to taking in. Exercise while taking hCG under other conditions is fine and even encouraged.

Misconception #2: hCG Will Burn Out Your Metabolism and Make It Impossible to Maintain a Healthy Weight

First, hCG doesn’t burn out your metabolism because that simply isn’t possible. However, chances are what someone is referring to when they say this is that it resets your natural metabolism in such a way that it becomes difficult to regulate once hCG use is stopped or suspended. This is false.

When used properly, hCG will help you lose weight while maintaining or building lean muscle mass. Since muscle is important for a properly balanced metabolism, hCG can actually help support rather than damage it.

Misconception #3: All hCG Supplements Are Created Equal

There is a wide variety in the quality and integrity of hCG that is available today. Unfortunately, believing otherwise could leave you with unimpressive results at best and downright dangerous at worst. While you need a prescription to obtain real hCG supplements, there are plenty of distributors out there who will attempt to sell these types of supplements to you under the guise of it being completely legal and their products being completely safe.

Before you spend a cent on any hCG product, make sure you’ve done the research to determine that you’re purchasing from a reputable company that is known for providing their customers with high quality, effective prescription strength hCG.

If you have questions about the use of hCG, the best thing to do is ask. We’re here to answer you questions and supply you with safe, effective hCG for your health centered goals. Contact HCG Buy Direct today to learn more.