4 Things You Can Do to Feel Less Hungry on the HCG Diet

hcg diet planning

One of the reasons that the hCG diet plan has been so successful in helping people loose an incredible amount of weight is the hunger-slashing effects of naturally occurring human hormones (hCG). By taking hCG drops and pairing them with a calorie restricted diet, many people are able to loose up to a pound per day, some times more, without even feeling hungry.

But let’s face it: some of those hunger pangs are just too loud to ignore. That hungry feeling is a sign that your body is burning off excess fat stores, but that doesn’t make it enjoyable! Feeling hungry can make it hard to accomplish the basic tasks in your life. For some of us, it makes us downright cranky.

For anyone who wants to stick with the hCG diet plan but is tired of feeling overly hungry, we’ve got a few simple tricks:

1.) Drink More Water

This might sound like an obvious one, but increasing your water intake is the easiest way to cure hunger pangs. This is especially helpful if you drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning, and then continue throughout the day.

Many doctors and nutritionists recommend drinking one gallon per day in normal circumstances. So someone on the hCG diet plan might benefit from drinking even more than that. However, it’s important to not drink too much at one time. It’s always best to space it out over the course of the day.

2.) Increase Your HCG Intake

If you are taking hCG drops to boost your weight loss progress, but you are still feeling hungry, then it might be necessary to increase the dosage by a slight amount. Increasing the amount of drops you are consuming, or taking them more frequently can both help to alleviate feelings of hunger.

However, it does mean that your supply of HCG appetite suppression drops will run out a bit earlier, so make sure that there is enough on hand.

3.) Eat More Leafy Greens

Some leafy greens like kale, lettuce, and broccoli have a very low-calorie density. While these are not the most appetizing foods in the word, eating a larger amount of them will make you feel full. Some hCG diet plans allow a near unlimited amount of low-calorie greens as long as they are being consumed with the protein source.

4.) Break Up Your Fruit Intake

Because fruits can be high in sugar, only a limited amount is allowed while on the hCG meal plan. However, it is possible to split your fruit intake into multiple snacks as opposed to eating it all at once. For some folks, the idea of only easing half of an apple or orange at once sounds ridiculous, but after about 20 minutes you’ll feel as if you at the whole thing.

Learn More about HCG Buy Direct

If you are new to hCG and want to learn more about natural hormone-assisted weight loss, check out the other posts on our blog. You’ll find a wealth of information on what you can eat, how the different phases work, and the bodily mechanics of loosing up to a pound in a single day.