5 Quick Tips for Getting Started with the HCG Meal Plan

hcg diet

For a lot of people, the idea of starting a new diet plan with HCG Buy Direct is a little intimidating. Even with the assistance of a natural hormone like HCG, some people simply can’t believe that it’s possible to lose 30 pounds in a single month. After all, if you’re like most people who have tried to lose weight before, chances are you’ve been duped before.

hCG weight loss drops are a science-backed way to assist your body with rapid, permanent weight loss. But they don’t work automatically: The key is to pair them with a professionally formulated meal plan.

For anyone who is having trouble getting started with hCG, here are some quick tips:

#1: Take Your Measurements & Weight Before You Begin

We get it: stepping on the scale can be a hard thing to do for some people. Most of us would rather just get started with the weight loss than have to look at the actual number. But without that starting number, you won’t be able to see how much progress you’re making.

Even more important than your weight is your measurements. Because your body’s water content can shift by as much as 5 pounds over the course of the day, the scale is not always the most reliable way to track your progress.

#2: Get Used to Drinking a Gallon of Water Everyday

This one might sound intimidating, but it’s actually not hard to drink between 3 and 4 liters of water in a single day.  This doesn’t just make you feel full, although that part certainly helps. Staying hydrated can also do amazing things for your mood, memory, and overall health.

Considering that doctors day that 75% of all people are dehydrated on a daily basis, this is one tip that you should bring with you even after you meet your weight loss goal.

#3: Use Meal Planning & Prep Days to Make it Easier

When you’re famished, the last thing that you want to do is take the time to measure your food properly or prepare it into anything that’s satisfying. When we get tired, we’re far more likely to break the meal plan.

Make a plan for what you’re going to eat, and do the prep beforehand. For example, you can grill up a few days’ worth of protein in a single session, then weigh it out and portion it into containers. When you’re hungry, your properly portioned meal is right there ready to go.

#4: Track Your Progress

Don’t be afraid of stepping on the scale everyday, or checking your measurements. Seeing how much progress you’re making is a great way to stay motivated and on track with your goals. Just remember that your water weight will fluctuate, and you might see that number go up temporarily.

Always weigh yourself and take your measurements at the same time of day, preferably first thing in the morning.

Beyond your weight loss, it can also help to track your mental and emotional state. Using a journal to write down your thoughts and challenges can help build courage and momentum to keep going. Don’t worry, nobody has to read it!

#5: Be Kind to Yourself

With the help of the naturally occurring hormone hCG, it’s possible for some people to lose 15, 20, or even 25 pounds in a matter of weeks. But it’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different, and your results will depend on how closely you’re sticking to the meal plan.

If you “break” the meal plan, don’t worry. Just keep taking your hCG drops, and get back on track tomorrow. Forgive yourself for those little mistakes; everybody cheats here and there.