How Much Exercise Should I Get on the HCG Diet?

hcg diet

By combining HCG drops with a multi-week regiment of the HCG diet plan, it’s possible to lose as much as 5 or even 10 pounds per week. Can you imagine losing 30 pounds in a single month?

But unlike other weight loss programs, the HCG diet plan does not require a lot of exercise. In fact, doing too much exercise while on HCG could actually have a negative effect on your progress.

In this edition of the HCG Buy Direct Blog, we’re going to explore the topic of exercising on HCG.

Why HCG Doesn’t Require a Lot of Exercise

The naturally occurring Human chorionic gonadotropin is the hormone that gives HCG Buy Direct Drops their special weight-loss power. This hormone works to safely curb your hunger, while at the same time, preserve your muscle mass.

With crash diets, losing weight also means losing a lot of muscle. But that’s not the case with HCG. Your muscular strength is preserved while the fat is lost.

Simply following through with the HCG diet plan, especially Phase 2, is the key to losing weight with HCG. Your prescription or non-prescription strength HCG drops will help you manage your hunger in the meantime.

Too Much Exercise Could Sidetrack Your Progress

Here’s the thing about exercise: While you’re most certainly burning calories, you’re also increasing your metabolism. While traditional wisdom tells us that a faster metabolism is necessary for weight loss, it can actually have the reverse effect on some people.

As your body gets used to burning more calories, it also starts asking for more calories. This is why sometimes going on a run will make someone feel comfortable eating a larger breakfast. However, they usually end up eating more calories that they burned while running.

Listen to you Body While on HCG

As weight loss experts, we’re that last people in the world that are going to tell you to stop exercising. If your body needs to get out and movie, then you should listen to that. Just be mindful of how well you’re sticking to the diet plan.

Remember: Phase 2 of HCG requires a restricted caloric intake. Your body might not be used to running such a small amount of calories. Overdoing it with exercise could lead to excess fatigue, dizziness, or dehydration.

Tips for Exercising While on HCG

  • Drink plenty of water, both before and after exercising
  • Avoid binge eating or drinking after your workout, even if you feel like you earned it
  • Do whatever you can to stick to the meal plan
  • Pay attention to your body; If you feel dizzy or tired, it’s best to slow down or simply take a break.
  • Try taking a long walk instead of a more intensive exercise. Walking is an effective way to burn calories without getting winded or exhausted.

Learn More About Losing Weight with HCG

The HCG Buy Direct Blog is your go-to source for the tips, tricks, and guides that can help maximize your weight loss journey with HCG.

Ready to see how much weight you can lose with HCG? Click over to the HCG Buy Direct Store to get started.