Detox Smoothies: The Delicious Recipe that Makes HCG Even Easier

hCG Diet
There’s no way around it: Losing weight with HCG is one of the most reliable, results-backed diet plans of the last century, if not of all time. But just because a diet plan is effective does not mean that it’s a whole lot of fun. Losing up to a pound a day is bound to have its drawbacks, and one of them is losing access to your favorite foods.

But there are ways to stick to your HCG diet plan while still enjoying the occasional decadent treat. In this month’s HCG Recipe of the Month, we’re serving up Green Detox Smoothies. This is one of the most delicious ways to treat yourself while losing weight with HCG.

The best part of it all: it’s not cheating! In this guide, we’re sharing two of our favorite HCG smoothie recipes.

Why a Fruit Smoothie is Allowed Under HCG

It’s true that the HCG meal plan can get pretty restricted. But it’s this dedication to low-calorie, high-protein foods that makes significant weight loss possible.

By pairing your daily fruit serving with a few key ingredients, however, it is possible to feel like you’re stepping out of the diet plan for a brief, flavor-packed mini-vacation. At the same time, you’re getting all the nutrients, vitamins, and anti-oxidants that you need to keep burning fat with HCG.

HCG Recipe: “The Big Green Detox Smoothie”

Here’s one recipe that is guaranteed to please. All you need to do is add the following ingredients into a blender and then pulse to your desired consistency.


  • 5 oz kale or spinach
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 apple, chopped
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Small chuck of ginger
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 4 or 5 ice cubes

The first thing you are going to notice is the use of water instead of milk or juice, like you’d get at your favorite smoothie joint. But if you’re already on HCG, your taste buds are barely going to tell the difference. The sweetness from the apple creates a bright, yummy base. Meanwhile, the spinach, cucumber, and ginger are offering lots of vitamin A, B, & C.

The ginger also adds a little boost of energy, as well as a number of detoxifying toxins. At the ratios we provided above, you can expect this invigorating drink to come out to about 80 calories and 2g of fat.

HCG Recipe: “Orange Ginger Spice Smoothie”

For a smoothie that has a bit more of a kick, swap out the apple for orange and add a few select spices to the mix:

  • 1 orange, quartered
  • 1 cup of cold water
  • 1 small chunk of ginger
  • 1 tsp. powdered turmeric
  • A dash of black peppercorn
  • 4 or 5 ice cubes

Simply combine ingredients in a blender and pulse to your desired consistency.

Questions about the HCG Diet Plan?

If you’re using HCG to lose weight fast, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts for a little help. Our HCG Buy Direct Blog is a one-stop-shop for tips and guides about all-things HCG.