How hCG Helps You Lose Weight and Build Muscle Mass at the Same Time

The phrase “happy new year” is practically synonymous with dieting. It’s a time of renewal and fresh starts, so it only makes sense that so many of us want to push the reset button on our health. It’s estimated that 45 million Americans embrace a new diet every year, many of them with great optimism. While practically every one of these 45 million people is expecting to lose weight, many of them are alarmed at how quickly they also lose muscle – especially on rapid weight loss plans.

While losing both fat and muscle might help the numbers on the scale drop a little faster, not maintaining or building muscle mass can ultimately hurt your weight loss efforts. If you’re looking to thin down, look toned and maybe even “bulk” up, hCG can help you build the muscle mass you need to achieve the results you’re looking fo. Here’s how it works.

How Weight Loss Affects Muscle Mass

When you are trying to lose weight, the general idea is to reduce your input while increasing your output. There are diets – such as the keto diet – which don’t restrict caloric intake, but instead use the body’s own physiology to burn fat. Regardless of the approach, your body is going to tap into whatever resources it can for fuel. It’s going to burn fat, but in almost every case it’s also going to burn muscle.

The problem is that your body requires muscle for an effective metabolism. Obviously, muscle mass is also important for being able exercise and perform physically at a level that facilitates weight loss. It’s a bit of vicious cycle – you need muscle to lose weight, but losing weight causes you to also lose muscle which makes losing more weight more difficult.

How hCG Helps You Build Muscle Mass

You may be familiar with the hCG diet, which can be considered calorically restrictive – with some people consuming only 500 calories a day while on the diet. Contrary to what you might think, people who follow the hCG diet are also able to not only maintain but also build muscle mass as the shed fat. It’s the inclusion on hCG that is responsible for this outcome.

How hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, works to help build muscle is by enhancing testosterone levels. As a hormone, testosterone is responsible for building muscle mass among other things. As hCG enhances testosterone production, it enables the body to more efficiently build muscle while also supporting consistent weight loss. You can still build muscle while losing weight because the testosterone boost that comes from hCG supplementation places your body in anabolic mode, making it easier to build muscle mass with less effort.

If your weight loss plan includes physical activity, especially weight bearing exercises, the inclusion of hCG facilitates the building of muscle mass and produces faster results. Aside from appearing leaner and more sculpted, the additional muscle mass also helps your body burn fat even more efficiently. From this perspective, hCG can be considered one of the most effective weight loss agents available to consumers today.

For optimal results with your weight loss or muscle building regimen, it’s important to choose only the highest quality hCG products to supplement your efforts. Quality hCG comes in several forms, including drops, lotions and prescription strength injectables. Contact HCG Buy Direct to learn more about hCG supplements today.