How Typical Are Rapid Results on the hCG Diet?

There are few things worse that slipping on your most comfortable jeans and finding that they’ve suddenly become a little snug. The fact is that the snugness probably hasn’t been that sudden at all, it has just finally reached that uncomfortable threshold where you can’t ignore the fact any more. This is a scenario that’s all too common both during and after the holidays, and it leaves us all wondering if there’s a way to make this weight fall off as quickly as it seems to have appeared.

There are a lot of fad diets out there that promise instantaneous, miracle results. While you might lose weight quickly on them, it’s rarely sustainable – which pretty much defeats the entire purpose, especially since yo-yo weight gain is stressful on your body. You need a solution that is both fast and sustainable. Enter the hCG Diet.

Does the hCG Diet Really Do All It Claims?

If you’ve taken the time to learn anything about the hCG diet, then you know that rapid weight loss is among the top claims. You also know that you’ve seen “testimonials” for diets before, except the promoters were less than honest by highlighting results that were far from typical. This is both deceptive, and frustrating to the person trying so desperately hard to shed some pounds.

So, along comes the hCG Diet and its claims of rapid weight loss. You want to know if those claims of weight rapidly falling off are true for the majority of people who follow the plan.

The answer is, for most people, yes. The hCG diet combines multiple phases that include a preparatory loading phase, followed by the active diet phase, and another phase meant to help with the transition and serve as a bit of a coasting period if you plan on cycling again. If you follow the plan exactly, and don’t have any medical or metabolic issues that might affect the results, then yes, the rapid results with the hCG are very much typical.

How Does the hCG Diet Produce Such Rapid Results?

This is a question that’s on the mind of pretty much everyone considering the hCG Diet, and it’s one that warrants a thorough answer. As a supplement, hCG affects the way your body holds onto fat – or in this case, doesn’t hold onto it. Supplemental hCG can work to improve metabolism, and lead to increased lean muscle mass – something else that’s very good for keeping the metabolism in check.

The effects of hCG combined with a calorically restrictive eating plan in the active phase of the diet produce rapid, noticeable results for practically everyone who follows the plan. Weight loss results can be as much as 1-2lbs per day, and it all becomes noticeable on the scale almost immediately.

Learning More About the hCG Diet

Of course, you should learn as much about any diet you’re considering, especially if it includes any type of supplement to improve results. The hCG Diet isn’t for everyone, and there are some health issues that can prevent a person from achieving optimal results. It’s best to learn what works with your body and choose a plan that keeps you healthy and focused on losing weight. We invite you to learn more about the hCG Diet and quality hCG supplements by contacting us at HCG Buy Direct.