Keep The Weight Off After Meeting Your Goal

hcg diet

Give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it!

The hard work has paid off and you successfully met your weight loss goal using HCG. It’s normal to want to bask in your success and perhaps reward yourself with a celebratory pair of jeans to show off your new figure……just don’t celebrate for too long because now the real work starts.

New you, new mindset

We all know that losing weight is hard enough. But the truth is, it can be even harder to keep it off. It’s estimated that only 1 in 5 people who lose weight on a strict diet, end up maintaining their new weight. With this being a realistic concern, it’s best to know how to succeed in maintaining your new weight and optimize your chances of being part of that committed 20%.

Unfortunately, our brains and bodies are hard-wired to regain lost weight. Although your regimen using HCG reset your metabolism, the plentitude of high-calorie foods available at the ready could be a potential minefield for anyone wanting to support their long term weight loss after their final phase of HCG.

Here are a few tried and tested ways to prevent regaining those pounds you worked so hard to lose:

Stay hydrated

This may sound very familiar since while following the HCG Diet Plan, it was one of the most stressed points. Obviously choosing water over other beverages helps control your calorie intake, it also promotes fullness and increases your metabolism being vital for weight maintenance.

Fill up on protein

Keeping your plate full of protein increases the amount of certain hormones in your body that reduce hunger levels and keeps you feeling full for longer. Make protein 30% of the calories consumed to promote fullness, increase metabolism and ultimately reduce your total calorie intake.

Be careful with carbs

Consider carbs your nemesis in the fight to keep the weight off. Eating too many refined carbs, like white bread, white pasta and fruit juices, can be detrimental to your weight maintenance goals. Your HCG Diet Plan was practically a “no-carb” diet which is pretty difficult to sustain over a long period of time. A diet that is much easier to uphold is a low-carb diet, like Keto. Adapting this hugely popular diet you’ll likely eat less calories than you burn naturally, helping to keep the pounds from creeping back.

Stay active

Regularly exercising and lifting weights play a big role in maintaining your new weight. 30 minutes or more of activity every day will help balance calories in and calories burned while preserving muscle mass and supporting a healthy metabolism.

Keep in mind that the incredible weight loss you just achieved while taking HCG drops and adhering to the HCG Diet Plan was a great achievement but it will take continued work or possibly repeating the HCG protocol later to keep those results long term.