Stepping It Up With Exercise

hcg diet

Everything you read these days about losing weight usually revolves around two things: the food you eat and the amount of exercise you get. And yes, more physical activity will definitely help you get in better shape…but sometimes these trendy diet plans scare people off with their high-intensity workout routines. Thankfully, there are easier ways to improve your figure that don’t involve 24/7 cardio and weight training. By combining HCG drops with the regiment of the HCG diet plan, you can lose up to 10 pounds weekly without being a slave to exercise.

Since dieting restricts calories…and in the case of the HCG Diet, carbohydrates…you’ll almost always be in a hypocaloric state, meaning you are burning way more calories than you’re taking in. But with the help of the naturally occurring hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin found in the HCG Buy Direct drops, your hunger will effectively be curbed and your muscle mass will not deplete.

Ready to go to the next level?

To take full advantage of the HCG diet plan in all its phases, and get the highest weight loss results, you’ll want to mix in some light cardio exercises and resistance training. This by no way means spending hours at the gym or engaging in super strenuous strength training drills.

While your prescription or non-prescription strength drops of HCG and dieting together are extremely effective in getting you to your desired outcome, supplementing in brief chunks of exercise will help you burn even more calories, leading to maximum weight loss results.

Ideal exercise for this plan

To achieve peak results in the safest way possible, try keeping your workouts to no more than 20-30 minutes each, 3-5 times per week. Excessive amounts of exercise during a hypocaloric state could lead to fatigue, dizziness, or dehydration. Boost your water consumption both before and after physical activity and always pay attention to your body’s overall disposition to ensure a safe workout.

Also, take your current fitness level into consideration before deciding on a routine. If you are new to exercising, a nice long walk or bike ride can be a great way to introduce some light physical activity. If you are already doing something of this nature or take the occasional class at the gym, a 20 minute HIIT workout or a shortened free weight routine will be the perfect companion to your HCG regiment. Allow yourself time before and after your workout to adequately stretch your body to relieve any trapped tension.

Whatever you choose, your goal is to not push yourself too hard and only allow your exercise intensity to get you to 70%-80% of your maximum heart rate. (You can roughly calculate your target heart rate by subtracting your age from 22 and multiplying it by 0.7 and 0.8 for your target range in beats per minute.)

Remember: for best results, stick to your meal plan, drink plenty of water and listen to your body.