What to Do if You Hit a Plateau on the hCG Diet Plan

hCG diet plan

Weight loss is a complicated thing. Anyone who has been on an extended diet plan can tell you that results are rarely predictable. Even if you are taking hCG and maintaining your calorie deficit, its possible that your bathroom scale isn’t going to reflect your best efforts.

The truth is: weight loss plateaus are a natural part of the process, no matter what diet plan you’re on. Our bodies have a remarkable way of self-regulating themselves, and anytime you make a significant change to your diet or lifestyle, your body is going to adapt, in one way or another. This can lead to momentary stalls in weight loss … those frustrating periods where the scale reads the same number day after day after day.

If you are experiencing a weight loss plateau on hCG, the first thing you need to hear is do not give up. Instead, check out these time-tested strategies for smashing through the stall:

Recognize “Set Points”

Many people who lose weight on the hCG diet plan report plateaus that occur when the individual reaches a “set point”, or rather, a weight that they used to be at for a long period of time. The mechanics behind this occurrence are not well understood, but lots of people report it.

A set-point plateau will only last 3 to 4 days before it corrects itself.

Expect Weight Increases During Menstrual Cycle

Women will almost always see a plateau or even a slight increase in weight during their period. This is solely due to added water retention, which is totally normal. It’s never fun to see the scale go up during the hCG diet plan, but this is one of the few times when it might. Stick to the plan!

Try an “Apple Day”

People who have done multiple rounds on the hCG diet plan will tell you that there is no more reliable way to break a plateau than with an Apple Day. To do this, eat 2 apples for lunch and 2 apples for dinner on the first day. The following morning, eat two apples for breakfast.

After that, continue the diet plan as normal, factoring in those last two apples as your fruit serving for the day. While you’re on your apple day, only drink enough water to quench your thirst. No other fluids are allowed during this time.

What to do About Cheat Days and Non-Protocol Snacks

When someone experiences a weight loss stall while on hCG, the #1 most probably reason is because they had a cheat day, or ate something that was not part of the approved meal plan. The most important thing is to not beat yourself up … simply get back on the protocol ASAP.

The hCG diet plan creates a delicately balanced system of fat burning and craving suppression … stepping even slightly outside the approved plan can cause your body to “pause” the weight loss process. But after 3 or 4 days, your scale should be reporting better numbers.