What Veteran Bodybuilders Want You to Know Before Adding hCG to Your Routine

hCG is a popular dietary supplement among two groups of people – those who want to lose weight rapidly and those who want to build muscle mass. On the surface, these two groups have very different goals. One wants to lose mass while the other wants to gain it. The interesting thing about hCG is that it can actually help you do both.

Using hCG products as part of your dietary or fitness routine can help you build and define muscle mass while losing weight. Whether you’re looking to just tone up a little or achieve massive muscle definition, hCG can be an incredibly affective tool in your arsenal. If you’re relatively unfamiliar with hCG, you probably have plenty of questions about how the hormone can help you build muscle mass and sculpt your body. Who better to answer our questions than veteran bodybuilders who have personally experienced the effects of hCG?

Bodybuilders and hCG

Ask a group of bodybuilders about why they use hCG and the type of results they achieve and you’re likely to get a range of answers. Some bodybuilders use hCG at the end of a cycle to boost testosterone production while others use hCG combined with a calorically restrictive diet to help them burn fat and achieve the sculpted definition that they’re looking for.

Bodybuilders who have successfully used hCG to boost the results often have advice on what to expect, where to use caution and how to increase results when using hCG. Here are a few bits of advice from the seasoned professionals.

Female Bodybuilders and hCG

Female bodybuilders can benefit from hCG in the same ways that male bodybuilders can, however there are some special cautions they should be aware of. hCG is hormone that’s produced by the female body to sustain pregnancy. hCG levels rise throughout the first trimester of pregnancy and remain stable until the placenta forms and takes over.

Fertility specialists will sometimes prescribe hCG to women who are experiencing difficulties in achieving pregnancy. Female bodybuilders who are taking hCG should be aware that it can increase the chances of pregnancy and multiple births.

Keep Nutrients in Mind

If you use hCG combined with the calorically restrictive diet while working to build muscle mass, it’s important to stay focused on  nutrition. Bodybuilders who are not accustomed to consuming so few calories may find themselves feeling depleted or dangerously lightheaded. If this is the case, make a point of being properly hydrated and increase the amount of calories you’re consuming.

You should also balance your nutrients to enhance your bodybuilding routine. You can still keep a proper balance of protein, carbs and fat even on a calorically restrictive plan.

hCG Should Be Used in Cycles

hCG is not intended to be used consistently long term. In fact, veteran bodybuilders have greater success when they use the hormone in cycles – much like the way that it’s used for weight loss. After the first cycle or two, you’ll likely see significant gains. Trust the cycle process and you’ll continue to see impressive results.

Start with hCG Today

If you’re a bodybuilder who’s interested in adding hCG to your routine, we have the products and information you need to get started. Contact HCG Buy Direct to learn more about hCG, see if you qualify for a prescription and begin elevating your bodybuilding practice today.