How Much Weight Can You Really Expect to Lose on the hCG Diet?

For many people, one of the biggest attractions of the hCG Diet is how quickly you can lose a significant amount of weight on the plan. Because of the rapid weight loss that has become the claim to fame of the hCG Diet, it only makes sense that anyone considering the diet wants to know how much weight is possible, and how quickly it will come off.

Of course, if weight loss is your goal, you want to lose it as quickly as possible, and knowing what to expect in terms of weight loss will help you determine if you’re staying on track for reaching your health focused goals.

You can attempt to answer this question for yourself by reading success stories online, but individual results can be so varied that it’s difficult to determine what you can expect for yourself. How much weight you lose depends on a number of factors, but here’s what typical weight loss on the hCG Diet looks like.

How Much Can I Lose On the hCG Diet?

The typical range of weight loss on the hCG Diet is about 1-3lbs per week, with reports of people losing an average of 40lbs in 40 days. If this seem rapid, it’s because it is. The standard typical rate of weight loss while following other diets is 1-2lbs per week.

Is it possible to lose 40lbs in 40 days on the hCG Diet? Yes, it is, but it’s important to remember that your body, goals and circumstances are different from anyone else who has followed this diet, and the amount of weight you lose may be different as well.

Factors That Affect Weight Loss on the hCG Diet

One of the biggest factors that will affect your end results is how much weight you have to lose. Generally speaking, the more weight you have to lose, the faster those first pounds will melt off. For instance, a person who only needs to lose about 30lbs will likely see slower results than someone who has a goal of shedding 100lbs of excess weight.

Another factor that affects results is gender. Women tend to lose weight at a slighter lower pace on the hCG Diet than men. If a man and woman were both following the hCG Diet exactly the same, the man may expect to lose 5-10lbs more than the woman in the same amount of time.

In addition to hCG supplements, the diet requires you to follow a calorically restrictive eating plan. The non-modified plan recommends a maximum 500 calories a day during the weight loss phase of the diet. Not everyone will be able to restrict their calories so severely, and others have special dietary needs that fall outside of the recommended eating plan. If you make modifications to the diet, you’ll still lose weight – just probably not as quickly.

Begin Seeing Results with the hCG Diet Today

You can expect to see amazing results with the hCG Diet, but quality hCG is important for maximizing weight loss. We offer top quality hCG injections and drops, and our professional staff is available to answer your questions. Contact HCG Buy Direct to begin seeing results on the hCG Diet today.