Do People Really Lose Weight Fast on the hCG Diet?

If you’re like most people, you’re more than a little tired of gimmicky diet trends making headlines. When you’re ready to lose weight and become healthier, the last thing  you want or need is a diet gimmick to get your hopes up, only to leave you crashing back down to reality. You’ve heard the saying that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is – and this applies in so many ways to diet industry.

So, when you’ve heard about the hCG Diet and how it produces miraculous weight loss results, you’re naturally skeptical. Skepticism when it comes to your health is a good thing, and it’s important to ask all the right questions and to know what to expect in terms of results before embarking on any diet plan. With all the claims that surround the hCG Diet, you want to know how much truth is behind them. We’re here to help answer your questions.

Are the Reported Results of the hCG Diet Real?

The claims behind the hCG diet are that you can lose 1-2lbs a day by following a reduced calorie eating plan and using hCG supplements. Most dietary experts will tell you that a sustainable dietary plan will enable you to lose 1-2lbs per week, not per day. Because of this, some eyebrows are raised at the reported results on the hCG Diet.

So, here is your answer. Yes, you can lose 1-2lbs a day on the hCG Diet, if you follow it correctly. There are three phases of the diet. The first being a “loading phase” where you prepare your body for weight loss. The second is the active diet phase, and the third is a maintenance phase where you cycle off of hCG supplements.

During the active, calorically restrictive phase of the diet is when you can expect to lose 1-2lbs per day. What’s great about the hCG Diet is that even after you’ve cycled into the third phase, you continue to lose weight – just not always at such a rapid rate.

When you follow the hCG Diet a few things happen. First, you learn a new way of relating to food. Food becomes the source of nutrition it’s meant to be, and emotional connection to foods are often severed. During this time, you’re body also adjusts to a new norm of realizing it doesn’t need as many calories to thrive. You crave less, eat less, and are less focused on your next meal. These changes combined help to form new habits that help keep the weight coming off, even when not actively using hCG.

Starting Your hCG Journey

Have you been looking for a way to kickstart your health? The hCG Diet could be just what you’re looking for. With quality hCG supplements and the guidance of experienced professionals, you can achieve your weight loss and health goals. With the hCG Diet, you will lose a noticeable amount of weight initially and then go on to continued, sustainable weight loss. We have the hCG supplements and knowledgeable staff to help you on this journey. Reach out to us at HCG Buy Direct to learn more today.