How Is the hCG Plan Different from Crash Diets?

Have you heard of the hCG Diet? Chances are if you’re reading this, you’re already at least somewhat familiar with the concept of the diet but have plenty of questions about how it works – along with a few about its validity. Can a diet that promises such rapid weight loss really be as effective as it claims, and how can this diet make promises of such drastic results, and not be considered just another fad?

Your skepticism about the hCG Diet is normal, and healthy. Any step you take to improve your health is a big deal, and with so many fads and false claims out there, it’s important to look into any dietary changes – especially drastic ones – before jumping in head first.

To be honest, there are a few things about the hCG Diet that make it seem too good to be true on the surface. Let’s take a closer look at all the claims, and why you’ll discover that the hCG Diet is much more than a passing trendy crash diet.

The hCG Diet and It’s Claims of Rapid Weight Loss

Crash diets can be bad news for your metabolism. By their very definition, a crash diet is a short term, drastic eating plan that usually employs some sort of gimmicky diet trick designed to enhance weight loss. Think along the lines of the diets that restricted followers to eating nothing but cabbage soup or bananas for days on end. These types of diets are designed to produce a rapid loss of weight, but not real, sustainable results.

Then comes along the hCG Diet, which also makes claims of rapid weight loss. Logically, it would be easy to make the connection between the hCG plan and crash diets. However, there’s a lot more to the hCG Diet than just practically instantaneous results. The hCG Diet is designed to not only put you on the fast track to weight loss, but to also help you sustain those results long term.

Why the hCG Plan Isn’t a Crash Diet

What separates the hCG plan from crash diets is that it helps to reset your body’s metabolism and promote long term weight loss. For many, the hCG Diet also address emotional dietary habits that can influence weight loss and maintenance.

Many people who are familiar with hCG recognize it as the pregnancy hormone that spikes in the first trimester to help support pregnancy. hCG has multiple functions in supporting pregnancy, but the one we’re most concerned with is the effect it has on metabolism. It is believed that hCG helps regulate metabolism as a woman’s energy needs increase during pregnancy. On this end, hCG helps your body more easily tap into fat stores as a source of energy.

While the main weight loss phase of the hCG Diet is calorically restrictive, those who follow the plan as closely as possible have an easier time of adding calories back into their diet in a way that’s healthy and supports continual weight loss or maintenance. When done properly, there shouldn’t be a rebound weight gain as you cycle through the phases of the diet.

Sustainable Results Start with Quality hCG

To optimize your results with the hCG Diet plan, you need to start by supplementing with only the highest quality hCG. At HCG Buy Direct, we offer top quality hCG supplements and products to help you achieve weight loss success. Contact HCG Buy Direct today to learn more.