Is the kCG Diet Compatible with Keto, Paleo, and Plant-Based Diets?

With the consistently increasing popularity of the hCG meal plan diet, more and more people are asking about the ways in which hCG might be able to integrate into other popular diet plans, most specifically, keto, paleo, and plant-based.

This is hardly a surprise considering how all of these meal plans are linked by their ability to provide staggering weight loss results and overall lifestyle changes within a short period of time. But the truth is, the hCG diet and meal plan is not quite like the others. The unique way in which hCG is able to super-charge your body’s natural hormones is unique to this diet alone, and is perhaps why it has proven so effective for people who have not found results with Keto or Paleo.

The Difference Between hCG, Paleo, Keto, & Plant-Based Diets

Unlike the other meal plans mentioned above, the hCG diet is split into three specific phases, not all of which are compatible wit other diets. The “loading phase” (Phase One) of hCG, for instance, encourages the intake of significant amount of high-fat foods. Some of the most popular choices are cheese, pasta, and bread, but there are other “healthier” options including fatty nuts and oil-roasted vegetables.

The second phase of hCG is much closer to the paleo diet, in that it necessitates the consumption of 200 grams of protein per day, split into two equal servings. Lean meats like tuna, ground bison, and chicken breast are encouraged, as are all sorts of fruits and vegetables. However, unlike the Keto diet, fat is not recommended as it makes it harder to sustain the low-calorie requirement of hCG.

What about Plant-Based Diets?

Plant-based dieters might have a hard time sustaining themselves during Phase 2 of the hCG diet, as it will be difficult to source enough protein. Some people on the plant-based diet have allowed themselves to alter their diet slightly for the duration of Phase 2, allowing for some salmon, tuna, or other protein sources to be temporarily integrated into the diet.

Plant based diets are more appropriate for Phase 3, which has no caloric restrictions and is all about managing portions to satisfy hunger. However, some starchy vegetables like corn, potatoes, and squash are not as recommended because they can lead to an overall increase in your hunger levels.

Want to Learn More about the hCG Diet Plan?

The truth of the matter is that combining, mixing, or “stacking” diet plans is not always the healthiest way to lose weight, especially when committing to just one can produce the same results. While it is possible to make your own diet plan based on your preferences, following the hCG Buy Direct diet recommendations is the fastest and most effective way to see results fast.

If you are interested in finding out more about what kind of foods you can eat during the hCG diet, or if you are looking for other resources about hCG, check out the Support Center at the top of this page.