The Top 5 hCG Diet Myths

Despite the bad press that the hCG diet has endured over the years, many dieters and medical professionals still attest to its effectiveness. After all, it’s helped millions of people safely lose weight and stay healthy.

The hCG hormone occurs naturally in pregnant women and helps nourish the developing fetus. It’s currently available as drops, injections, and tablets, and serves as the foundation of hCG diet. It helps to suppress the appetite, as well as burn fat. The body essentially lives off its fat stores, and when combined with a restricted calorie-intake, people begin to lose as many as 1-3 pounds per day.

The hCG diet is a back-to-basics diet that reintroduces people to healthy eating while burning extra body fat. Given its popularity, there are, of course, myths and misconceptions. Here are the top 5:

Myth 1: The hCG Diet Is Just a Fad

Fads come and go, but the hCG diet has endured years of bashing and negative publicity, despite the fact that its efficacy has been consistently proven through research and millions of people who’ve successfully used it. It’s also not new. In fact, it’s been around for more than 50 years.

Myth 2: The hCG Diet Is Harmful to Your Body

Even with all the well-known benefits of hCG, there’s still a common myth that it does more harm than good. This myth is probably predicated on the super-low calorie intake of the program. In reality, however, hCG combines the benefit of a low-calorie diet and its ability to mobilize stored fat in the body. The body then burns this fat.  As such, there’s no associated danger.

Myth 3. hCG Is Just a Placebo

Some medical professionals often dismiss hCG as only a form of placebo. After all, it’s easy to think of weight loss simply as a matter of maintaining a low-calorie diet. With this line of thinking, it’s easy to fall into the mentality that other products such as hCG have nothing to do with it. But that is an oversimplification. When using hCG, your appetite is suppressed and your body breaks down your body fat into energy. The hCG diet won’t leave you fatigued or weak like other diet programs or fasting.

4. The hCG Diet Has Serious Side Effects

There are no known side effects to using hCG or the hCG diet. There have been reports of constipation, which often times results from low water intake while on the diet. hCG is a natural hormone and the hCG diet is based on a natural process of enhanced metabolism and low calorie intake. There are no recorded instances of serious side effects in people who are on the hCG diet program.

5. You Quickly Regain Weight When You Stop the hCG Diet

The fundamental goal of the hCG diet is to retrain your body for permanent weight loss. It guarantees unbelievably fast weight-loss results and therefore, there’s a common myth that such results are short-lived. By sticking to the correct guidelines, you can – and will – see lasting results from the hCG diet. What’s more, consists of different stages, all designed to ensure both weight loss and weight maintenance.

Fact: The hCG Diet Works

The hCG diet is suitable for all types of weight loss goals. Join millions of other dieters, and watch extra pounds start to melt away within a few short weeks. Get in touch with HCG Buy Direct today to learn more.