Why Rapid Weight Loss on the hCG Diet Is Actually Safe and Sustainable

If you’ve been researching the hCG Diet, then you’re probably already familiar with the claims of unbelievably fast weight loss. At first, you might question whether or not the claims are true. However, as you durther your research and read story after story about how the hCG Diet has changed lives, you realized that the results aren’t too good to be true.

But now you’re wondering if it’s safe.

Losing weight is incredibly challenging for many people, and we’re constantly in search of a magic solution that will make it easier and speed up the process. The degree of weight loss that can be achieved so quickly with the hCG Diet leaves some people questioning its safety. Here’s what you need to know.

What the Medical Community Says About Weight Loss

The medical community has drilled into our heads that optimal, sustainable weight loss occurs at a rate of 1-2 lbs per week. First, this number is only an average. Regardless of the diet or exercise plan, we all have individual physiologies that determine how quickly we lose weight. You can compare two people following the same dietary plan for a specified duration of time and see different results.

When the medical community speaks of unsafe weight loss, they’re referring to two things. First, the concern is that if a person is losing more than the average that they’re following an unsafe diet or are at risk of developing an eating disorder. The second concern is that weight that comes off too quickly is often regained, plus some extra, which presents a greater long term health risk for the individual.

The “danger” of rapid weight loss has little to do with the weight loss itself, but rather the mechanisms through which it was achieved.

Is Weight Loss Through the hCG Diet Sustainable?

Considering the yo-yo dieting affect that often accompanies rapid weight loss, it’s reasonable to question whether or not the hCG Diet is effective for sustainable weight loss. Repeatedly losing and gaining weight can put a lot of stress on your body, including interfering with hormones and making you more susceptible to certain diseases.

What’s important to realize with the hCG Diet is that even though you’re making drastic changes in your dietary habits and following the diet for short cycles, you’re also retraining your mind and body for a healthier approach to food.

Many people find that the hCG Diet helps them overcome eating compulsions, including emotional eating habits. The hCG Diet also resets your body’s hunger point – meaning you’re better able to identify true hunger rather than hunger that comes from other sources, such as boredom.

While the hCG Diet is intended to only be followed in short cycles until your goal weight is achieved, the immediate boost in weight loss and reprogramming of eating habits that come with the diet are often enough to reinforce a change of habits that produces long term results.

Get Started on the hCG Diet Today

If you’d like to know more about the hCG Diet and discover the hCG product that’s perfect for you, we’re here to help. We offer hCG drops and Injectables to enhance the results of your new approach to healthy living. Contact HCG Buy Direct today to learn more.