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How hCG Helps You Lose Weight and Build Muscle Mass at the Same Time

The phrase “happy new year” is practically synonymous with dieting. It’s a time of renewal and fresh starts, so it only makes sense that so many of us want to push the reset button on our health. It’s estimated that 45 million Americans embrace a new diet every year, many of them with great optimism. […]

Why hCG Is the Perfect Weight Loss Supplement for Men

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or hCG, is often thought of as a hormone primarily related to women’s health. This is probably due to the fact that hCG plays a significant role in supporting pregnancy. Levels of hCG are known to rise drastically in early pregnancy, making it the main hormone that’s measured in pregnancy tests. Knowing […]

What You Need to Know About Choosing Prescription or Regular Strength hCG

The use of hCG for weight loss and health maintenance purposes has been making a lot of news lately, with more people taking an interest daily. While the hCG Diet is not a new concept, this is the first time that many people have heard of it and they naturally have questions about the best […]

4 Reasons Why hCG Is Perfect for Your Weight Loss Goals

If you’re looking to lose weight, you’ve probably already noticed that there’s no shortage of trendy diets out there, each promising miracle results. Maybe you’ve even tried a few, only to end up discouraged in either the results or your ability to stick with the plan. Then hCG entered the scene with a flurry and […]

How to Tell If hCG Is Right For You

Did you know that hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced during pregnancy by developing glands? This supplement is used in the hCG diet program, a strict calorie restriction diet that benefits from appetite suppression. When following the diet, you’ll reduce your food intake to 500 calories per day. Then, with the aid of an hCG […]


6 Weight Loss Benefits You’ve Probably Never Considered

There are many obvious benefits that come with losing weight. However, there are some benefits that you likely never considered when developing your weight loss plan. Whether you aim to lose weight by taking hCG supplements, getting more exercise, eating healthy – or all three – these six unexpected benefits will help encourage your ongoing […]


Pure HCG for injections or sublingual drops are key for successful weight loss. So many other websites offer hCG that is Not the real pure hCG. Don’t be fooled by the multiple sites out there offer homeopathic hCG or drops that offer a money back guarantee that you will never see. HCG Buy Direct has […]

2016 New Year for a healthy start with the HCG Diet

2016 NEW year for a healthy start with the HCG diet program. Take time for yourself; don’t put yourself on the back burner. Doing the things that make you happy.   Those little happy things will snowball into more enjoyment in your everyday life. This 2016 New Year: Take your dog for a walk, enjoy the […]