Health Issues to Consider for a Safe hCG Weight Loss Journey

The hCG Diet is a fast, effective way to lose weight and build muscle. Considering the far-reaching impact that carrying around excess weight can have on our long-term health, it’s not a reach to say that the hCG Diet can work wonders from a preventative standpoint. However, this doesn’t mean that the hCG Diet is […]

The Top 5 hCG Diet Myths

Despite the bad press that the hCG diet has endured over the years, many dieters and medical professionals still attest to its effectiveness. After all, it’s helped millions of people safely lose weight and stay healthy. The hCG hormone occurs naturally in pregnant women and helps nourish the developing fetus. It’s currently available as drops, […]

How the hCG Diet Can Enhance the Effectiveness of Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and pilates are both low-intensity, low impact exercises used in mind-body-wellness programs. While they share many of the same characteristics, fundamentally, they are quite different. Yoga is more about flexibility and stability, with a spiritual bent.  Pilates focuses on strength and stability. How Yoga and Pilates Differ It’s taken nearly 5,000 years for yoga […]

How Much Weight Can You Really Expect to Lose on the hCG Diet?

For many people, one of the biggest attractions of the hCG Diet is how quickly you can lose a significant amount of weight on the plan. Because of the rapid weight loss that has become the claim to fame of the hCG Diet, it only makes sense that anyone considering the diet wants to know […]

How Does the hCG Diet Maximize Fat Loss Without Compromising Muscle Mass?

When it comes to losing weight, it’s safe to say that most people feel the faster it happens, the better. Making the lifestyle and dietary changes that are necessary for significant long-term weight loss is challenging. When the weight comes off easily, it provides a nice incentive to keep moving forward as planned. There are […]

3 Easy Tips for Maximizing Results With the hCG Diet

The hCG Diet is known for producing fast and sustainable weight loss results. Those who have followed the hCG Diet know first hand that the results can be transformative. When you’re ready to make a major change in your health, this weight loss plan is known for producing dramatic, practically instantaneous results. While most people […]

Adapting the hCG Diet to a Vegetarian Lifestyle

The hCG Diet plan is designed to produce rapid weight loss by following a calorically restrictive diet while taking or injecting supplemental hCG. During the active weight loss phase of the hCG Diet, caloric intake is limited to 500 calories per day for most people. Under normal conditions, the quality and balance of nutrients you […]

What Veteran Bodybuilders Want You to Know Before Adding hCG to Your Routine

hCG is a popular dietary supplement among two groups of people – those who want to lose weight rapidly and those who want to build muscle mass. On the surface, these two groups have very different goals. One wants to lose mass while the other wants to gain it. The interesting thing about hCG is […]

Why Rapid Weight Loss on the hCG Diet Is Actually Safe and Sustainable

If you’ve been researching the hCG Diet, then you’re probably already familiar with the claims of unbelievably fast weight loss. At first, you might question whether or not the claims are true. However, as you durther your research and read story after story about how the hCG Diet has changed lives, you realized that the […]

Why You Should Limit the Time You Spend on Phase 2 of the hCG Diet

The hCG Diet is an incredible way to lose weight, gain control of your health and build muscle mass. While the hCG Diet has gained popularity in recent years, the information and advice you’ll find online regarding the hCG plan is relatively sparse compared to other popular diets. This often leaves people on the hCG […]